Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Only five months, but already ALL boy!

Last night I was feeding Brody before bed and I put him up on my shoulder to burp. You would not believe the trucker burp that came out of this baby! It must have lasted 10 seconds. He was quite impressed, too. Half-way through he decided to start "talking"...kind of like the boys who would burp the alphabet in elementary school. At the end he was so proud of himself he burst out into a huge grin and started laughing. Not exactly the soothing bedtime routine I was going for, but hilarious, nonetheless!

my three boys


Anonymous said...

oh - the beginning of the joys of boys !!! Hopefully it will always be hilarious ! Brody is getting so big and he is precious. I know you all missed him but he was in good hands with Lolo and Pop.

Hayley said...

Too fonny. I suppose boys will be boys!

Hayley said...

Oops...funny That's what you get when you types with a baby in your arms!